Sorry, perhaps a bit gratuitous...pics from yesterday and this morning.
It's challenging to move about and do simple things like typing with the little hanger on. I love it, though. He's already become such a good friend. I fear he's getting a little tired of the same 6 or 7 CD's in the changer. I need to expand some and teach him some of the goodies in the back catalog...perhaps a little Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, the Cure, Morrissey, Modest Mouse, Johnny Cash?
Ok, I know you aren't into compliments or anything that could make you blush, but holy crap you two are cute. I especially like the top one, catching Silas mid-yawn. Nice.
sweet baby and daddy. you will be amazed at the things you will be able to do one handed very very soon!
keep on having fun!
hugs ~robin
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