09 September 2008


I had to stop and take a picture of this mural on my ride Sunday. It's somewhere along Frankstown Rd in either Penn Hills or (more likely) Lincoln-Larimer or possibly Homewood North. I don't really know the area well enough to guess any better than that.

I think the message is true, though it really saddens me. So many of the folks here in this city, and really, across the country, are stuck with their lots in life. Some of it is by their own choice, but there is so much inertia and so many barriers to overcome for people to break out of the vicious cycle of violence, drug/alcohol abuse, crime, and despair.

Privileged. That's how I feel for being born into the life I have. I fear I wouldn't have been strong enough to get here without the tools and expectations I was born into.

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