Today was a day that I could care less about being late to work. I got up late, so Silas and Bethany were waking up as well. I just couldn't pass up a little morning time with the family, so I dawdled. Then I jumped on the bike and found myself awash in a gorgeous morning. Of course, that called for a detour to the river for a longer route to work. This picture is looking across the river in the direction of where my office is, where I was supposed to be sitting in front of a computer in a cubicle an hour and half earlier. I'll still get my 40 hours in. I had a couple of long days this week.
I'm such a clock-puncher in the summer....
And now you are posting to your blog at work, I see! :)
Your family is glad you chose to spend time with us this morning. We love you.
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