Remember the
bamboo flooring post back in August, just before Silas was born? I barely do, as that was really long ago in my world. In any case, I had to get back to doing the floor, as the radiator had been removed. No radiator means no heat. No heat when it's getting into the 30's at night means high likelihood of me having a familial mutiny on my hands. So, this was the weekend to get it done.
The top picture is the mess I had to work in. Our stupid house has nowhere to put anything on the second floor outside of the bedroom. I just worked across until I hit the mess and then moved it onto the floor I had finished. Just like the tile game. Or at least it was called the tile game when I was a kid in Indiana. Wikipedia is calling it a
sliding puzzle game.

Guthrie and Max liked helping until I started actually cutting with the miter saw.

This is bad. It is the cause of several large bouts of cursing. Nailing through the face of the board always ended up happening near the end of a long board, maximizing the amount of flooring I had to waste and pry up off the floor. The flooring nailer doesn't do a great job of feeling like it is positioned right. I ended up with three of these mistakes and one of the saw jumping cutting one out and hitting the next board, which of course then needed to be removed and replaced.

This was the end of day 1 and about 7 1/2 hours of work.

Bethany liked to peed in and see how it was coming. She was great: kept bringing me food and drinks as well as helping carry crap out of the way and planks downstairs.

Done with enough to install the radiator at 10:15 pm Sunday night! I hope my neighbor (who's house is attached to ours on the other side of the wall to the right in the pictures) didn't want to get to sleep before then...

Yay, heat!
I'll get the next few boards this upcoming weekend.
yay eric! your family loves you!!!
now...when are you guys coming down to help me put in my floor? :)
enjoy the warmth ~r
What do you mean I 'peed' in! I have been using our brand new bathroom for such things. Seriously though, I really love the floor and the heat. Thank you.
hehe. peek. i wouldn't let you pee on the new floor!
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