He was sure mad about having to wear a PFD. He did calm down quickly, though, as canoeing is a peaceful sort of activity. I'm so happy we could share the love of the outdoors and the beauty of canoeing with him.
This was a Raystown Lake. It was very scenic and nice. There were a lot of pleasure and fishing boats out, though. Luckily, they were respectful and gave us a good berth and usually slowed down to keep the wake down. Being a winding river reservior, once they got away from us much, they had rounded a bend. That made it pretty peaceful in between boats racing by.
More pics at Bethany's
Life of Silas blog.

Guthrie would much rather be running around on shore than sitting sedentarily in the canoe.

No, not posed. Something was rustling around in the forest. We were hoping to catch sight of some wildlife. Me to enjoy it. Guthrie to bark furiously at it. We were both let down this time.

I'm not sure Bethany was terribly disappointed in getting shuttled around in the canoe on a day like this.
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