10 February 2009

Post on my official building science blog

I'm still trying to figure out how trackbacks work. On my HGTV blog, I put up a new post about strategies for conserving energy on miscellaneous electric loads. It's pretty dry, as it is more or less a cut and paste job from my work for our 2008 annual report to the Department of Energy. I've neglected that blog, so I felt it was fair to cheat. :)

Actual URL of the post: http://blogs.hgtvpro.com/hgtvpro/building_science/archive/2009/02/some_thoughts_of_energy_conser.html

Trackback URL: http://blogs.scrippsnetworks.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1848

1 comment:

heltones said...

Ok, so I have no idea how the trackbacks link works. It takes you to a dead link for a non-existent xml file. Maybe MoveableType (the blog publishing interface) isn't doing something right. Maybe I'm completely off base in what it is supposed to do.