I ran across one going up in an alley off Penn Blvd between 8th and 9th (I think) and watched them work for a while. Then I rode over to the one at 1st and Wood St, as shown below. I think this is a very exciting series of events for Pittsburgh. I'd like to see the mainstream media pick up some of the issues and talk about them. We'll see.
I'd love to go to the Clean Energy for America unveiling, but I'll be watching the Decemberists play at the Byham Theater. It's tough to have such difficult choices.
- http://bittersweetharvest.blogspot.com/2009/08/la-street-art-in-pittsburgh.html
- http://iheartpgh.com/2009/08/12/party-to-celebrate-shepard-faireys-clean-energy-for-america-installation/
- http://www.netrootsnation.org/
- http://obeygiant.com/
"Penn Blvd."? Did you mean Penn Ave? :) I didn't realize one was so close to my office, I'll have to go try to find it at lunch. Although I may be hard-pressed to find this Penn Blvd. you speak of....
Ok, fine. I was super tired. It's an avenue, not a boulevard by name. However, I think boulevard is more appropriate. Per wikipedia:
Avenue = "Traditionally, an avenue is a straight road with a line of trees or large shrubs running along each side..."
Boulevard = "usually a wide, multi-lane arterial thoroughfare, divided with a median down the center, and roadways along each side designed as slow travel and parking lanes and for bicycle and pedestrian usage, often with an above-average quality of landscaping and scenery."
Penn Ave hardly can be considered straight and tree-lined for much of it. I doesn't have a median, though, but to me, it fits the arterial description of a boulevard more.
In any case, good catch. Sorry my internal copy editor didn't catch the mistake before it was "published". :)
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